TV + Snacks = Weight Management Kryptonite

  I workout. Simply because I’m keeping an eye on TV, it doesn’t mean I am going to be sitting down and inactive. I can watch primetime tvwhile doing a floor workout, flexibility training, strength training or walking on my treadmill (I’m sure an elliptical would be just as good). In that strategy, I can stay interested in my program, and my workouts become a lot more interesting. I complete the workouts while getting my favorite programs in simultaneously. That strategy, exercising is far less of a burden and I feel like TV watching ends up being something good I do for my body.  I keep my hands occupied. I keep busy with a straightforward task that lets me watch the program but won’t let me easily grab for the snack food. With that approach, I’m able to carry on spending quality time with my the flatscreen without sacrificing my waistline to it. This is also a fantastic strategy to get through any number of chores or straightforward and repetitive projects that don’t call for me to look at what I’m doing. It can be anything. I’ll knit a pair of socks, draw on a paper, or even fold my laundry. With the folding, the key is to take care to do it neatly so it will last throughout the entire program. That said, on heavy laundry days, that’s not hard to do! I merely make sure that whatever I choose to do isn’t noisy or distracting to everyone else who is watching.

Insofar as I don’t prevent myself from snacking, I don’t deprive myself either. But, I don’t sit down with the whole entire bowl of ice cream. In that strategy, I can relish my snack and take pleasure in my favorites, guilt-free. Basically, exactly what I’ve gotten to know is that the most effective means to put a stop to snacking with every tv program or movie I watch is to do things that are beneficial for my body or that keep my hands busy. This is consequential, since my major Achilles heel when it pertains to weight-loss is craving for food. I’m great at working out, and also I’ve made a major campaign to get enough sleep at night and to pay attention to what I’m eating. More often than not, I find that I don’t merely feel a little hungry, I’m starving.