Green Products in Carpet Renovation and Maintenace

Recently, like in other business sectors, there has been a marked increase in the quantity of chemical organizations offering greener cleaning products. Carpet cleaning is no exception. In the cleaning and home improvement industry, in the last three years or so, there has been a surge of understanding and provision of environmentally friendly maintenance and cleaning solutions. You would have to have been living in a cave not notice the trend for renewable sources of just about everything at this present time. Almost everyone appears to have a “eco-friendly” version of their solution (a lot greener than others!). When we slice through this green mist, just what do we find out?

To be taken seriously (and even more importantly, to get used) they had to match their performance of existing chemicals. Not only this but the price had to be brought somewhere in line with existing products. It was no good having a more desirable solution if it was not economically viable. In the last few years new products have emerged which have totally swept away a lot of those previous disadvantages. The driving force behind it was unusual as it was the cleaners themselves, the ones who used them day in day out, who led the movement. Rapidly increasing awareness of the users (and in fairness, more responsibility by manufacturers) has led to large leaps forward in technology and realistic pricing Manufacturers’ minds became focussed on the issue quite quickly as a result. Unusually (or perhaps not?), the inspiration for this new breed of cleaners was from technology at least one hundred and seventy years old. It’s similar to medicine. A long time ago lots of individuals couldn’t find the money for doctors so they had to use available “natural cures”. See - for more info about professional cleaning services. N nowadays, medical researchers are revisiting old methods (with great success) and finding the previous generations were far more knowledgeable that people gave them credit for.

When you think about it, it’s obvious. Green cleaning was there first because people did not have access to refined chemicals. They only had natural ingredients to hand. Put simply, this involves tiny particles (called “Nano” particles” that are suspended in solution (water). These vibrate within the water and break up soil particles and organic matter (more about this shortly). This action continues for all the time that the particles are in solution so you get an ongoing cleaning action. In true green tradition, the solution and chemical breaks down naturally within a few days.

Provided the solution stays in contact with the object being cleaned then this approach works wonders. It is really effective on carpet fibres and upholstery fabrics (provided they are “wet cleanable” – not damaged by water). Twenty minutes contact time is enough to break down most sorts of soiling, which then just needs to be washed away. They act as very efficient deodorizers. The main reason is that they attack and destroy the cause of the smell (odor creating bacteria) rather than covering up the symptoms (the smells themselves) that they create. Believe me, the first time you use them to remove a smell, you will be unnerved. As the bacteria gets broken down, the foul odor actually gets stronger. This lasts for about ten minutes until it disappears. If the carpet or fabric stays damp, these particles keep working and working. The result? A lovely fresh “non smell” (if you can understand that). It bodes well for the future.